(Problem solving oriented introduction to Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.)
Anton Petrunin
Book: Euclidean plane and its relatives, ISBN: 9781650229676
MoTuWeFr 15:35--16:25
Biobehavioral Health Bldg 104
Office hours: McAllister Building 333 AND/OR, Wed, 16:35--17:25, or by appointment.
Midterm/HWA/Quizzes/Construction sets/Extra
1st midterm: Fri Feb 28 (subject to change), in class.
2nd midterm: Fri Apr 18 (subject to change), in class.
HWA: usually assigned on Wed and usually is due next Mon.
Quizzes: once a week, usually on Wed; it is always based on previous HWA.
Construction sets: once a week, usually on Fri.
Extra credit problems: The solutions should be presented orally.
Only the first solution will be graded.
The solutions will NOT be graded after Fri, Apr 18.
Grading policy:
Each HWA = 10,
Each quiz = 10,
Each construction set = 10,
Online lectures = 20,
Each midterm = 100,
Each extra credit problem = 20.
No makeups! Two worse HWA, quizzes and construction sets will be dropped.
90% guarantees "A".
80% guarantees "B".
70% guarantees "C".
55% guarantees "D".
The lowest three percentage points of a range will be minus and the
highest three percentage points of a range will be plus.
All Penn State Policies regarding ethics and honorable behavior
apply to this course.