I don't care where I publish; even a windowsill will do.
Anton Chekhov
My books
S. Alexander, V. Kapovitch, A. Petrunin,
Alexandrov geometry: foundations.
A. Petrunin,
Pure metric geometry.
A. Petrunin,
PIGTIKAL (puzzles in geometry that I know and love).
S. Alexander, V. Kapovitch, A. Petrunin,
An invitation to Alexandrov geometry: CAT(0) spaces.
My textbooks
A. Petrunin, S. Zamora Barrera,
What is differential geometry: curves and surfaces
A. Petrunin,
Euclidean plane and its relatives; a minimalist introduction
A. Petrunin,
Extra pearls in graph theory
Modified books
Corral's vector calculus
Геометрия по Киселёву
П. Уинклер,
Математические головоломки. Коллекция гурмана.
— МЦНМО, 2024.
Л. В. Полтерович,
Геометрия группы симплектоморфизмов.
П. Уинклер,
Математические игры ума.
V. Kapovitch, A. Petrunin,
A journey into Alexandrov geometry: curvature bounded below.
A. Petrunin,
Introduction to topology.
A. Petrunin,
Lectures on metric geometry
Parts of these notes are used in
"Pure metric geometry"
"Metric geometry on manifolds: two lectures".
Popular level
A. Petrunin, S. Stadler,
Six proofs of the Fáry–Milnor theorem.
Amer. Math. Monthly 131 (2024), no. 3.
A. Petrunin, N. Lebedeva,
Alexandrov’s embedding theorem.
Теорема Александрова о вложении многогранников.
in St. Petersburg mathematicians and their discoveries, 2024.
A. Petrunin, S. Zamora Barrera (with artwork by A. C. Chávez Cáliz),
Moon in a puddle and the four-vertex theorem.
Amer. Math. Monthly 129 (2022), no. 5.
A. Petrunin,
Self-crossing geodesics.
Math. Intelligencer 43 (2021), no. 4.
А. Петрунин,
Сколько деревьев в графе.
Квант, 2018, № 9.
A. Akopyan, A. Petrunin,
Long geodesics on convex surfaces.
Math. Intelligencer 40 (2018), no. 3.
A. Petrunin,
A quest for 5-point condition a la Alexandrov.
St. Petersburg Math. J. 29 (2018), no. 1.
В поисках пятиточечного условия Александровского типа.
Алгебра и анализ, 2017, 29:1
А. Гиль, А. Петрунин,
Блужданья по цепям.
Квант, 2017, № 3.
А. Петрунин,
Александровская геометрия (видео лекции).
Летняя математическая школа «Алгебра и геометрия», Ярославль, 2016.
A. Petrunin, A. Yashinski,
Piecewise distance preserving maps.
St. Petersburg Math. J. 27:1.
Кусочно изометрические отображения.
Алгебра и анализ, 2015, 27:1
Exteded version:
Lectures on piecewise distance preserving maps
A. Petrunin,
Area minimizing polyhedral surfaces are saddle.
Amer. Math. Monthly 122 (2015), no. 3.
А. Петрунин,
Плоское оригами и длинный рубль.
Задачи Санкт-петербургской олимпиады школьников по математике, 2008.
А. Петрунин,
Плоское оригами и построения.
Квант, 2008, № 1.
А. Петрунин, С. Рукшин,
Уникальносоставленные фигуры.
Математическое просвещение
, 10, (2006).
Unpopular level
Most of my papers are available at
, but there are few exceptions:
Anton Petrunin,
An upper bound for curvature integral.
Верхняя оценка на интеграл кривизны.
Anton Petrunin,
Harmonic functions on Alexandrov spaces and their applications
Anton Petrunin,
Polyhedral approximations of Riemannian manifolds.
Anton Petrunin and Wilderich Tuschmann,
Asymptotical flatness and cone structure at infinity.
Anton Petrunin and Wilderich Tuschmann,
Diffeomorphism finiteness, positive pinching, and second homotopy.
Anton Petrunin, Xiaochun Rong and Wilderich Tuschmann,
Collapsing vs. positive pinching.
Anton Petrunin,
Metric minimizing surfaces.
Anton Petrunin,
Harmonic Functions on Alexandrov Space.
Anton Petrunin,
Parallel transportation for Alexandrov space with curvature bounded below.
Anton Petrunin,
Applications of quasigeodesics and gradient curves.
Grigori Perelman and Anton Petrunin,
Quasigeodesics and Gradient curves in Alexandrov spaces.
Anton Petrunin,
Quasigeodesics in multidimensional Alexandrov spaces.
Ph.D. Thesis at UIUC
Grigori Perelman and Anton Petrunin,
Extremal subsets in Aleksandrov spaces and the generalized Liberman theorem.
Экстремальные подмножества в пространствах Александрова и обобщённая теорема Либермана
Things which hard to find
А. Д. Александров,
Линейчатые поверхности в метрических пространствах.
Вестник ЛГУ, (1957).
A. D. Alexandrow,
Über eine Verallgemeinerung der Riemannschen Geometrie.
Schr. Forschungsinst. Math. 1(1957), 33--84.
G. Perelman,
Alexandrov's space with curvatures bounded from below II.
G. Perelman,
DC structure on Alexandrov space with curvature bounded below.
A. Wald,
Begründung einer koordinatenlosen Differentialgeometrie der Flächen.
Erg. Math. Kolloqu. 7 (1936).